Table 3

Parameters simulated converter topologies.

Parameters Values
Output voltage, (V0) 400 V
Output current, (I0) 41 A
Source voltage, (Vs, rms) 44 V
Source current, (Is, rms) 41 A
Inverter voltage, (Vpeak, rms) 120 V
Load resistance, (R0) 10 Ω
Input inductance, (Ld) 56 μH
Primary inductance, (Lp) 47 μH
Secondary inductance, (Ls) 28 μH
Mutual inductance, (M) 7.6 μH
Primary capacitance, (Cp) 100 nF
Secondary capacitance, (Cs) 150 nF
Quality factor 5
Turns ratio 2.5
Voltage across the capacitor 600 V (rms)
Voltage across the inductor 611.88 V (rms)

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