Issue |
Sci. Tech. Energ. Transition
Volume 79, 2024
Article Number | 83 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 October 2024 |
Regular Article
An autoscalable approach to optimize energy consumption using smart meters data in serverless computing
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala 147004, Punjab, India
* Corresponding author:
Serverless computing has evolved as a prominent paradigm within cloud computing, providing on-demand resource provisioning and capabilities crucial to Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET) applications. Despite the efficiency of the auto-scalable approaches in optimizing performance and cost in distributed systems, their potential remains underutilized in serverless computing due to the lack of comprehensive approaches. So an auto-scalable approach has been designed using Q-learning, which enables optimal resource scaling decisions. This approach proves useful for adjusting resources dynamically to maximize resource utilization by automatically scaling up or down resources as needed. Further, the proposed approach has been validated using AWS Lambda with key performance metrics such as probability of cold start, average response time, idle instance count, energy consumption, etc. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach performs better than the existing approach by considering the above parameters. Finally, the proposed approach has also been validated to optimize the energy consumption of smart meter data.
Key words: Serverless computing / Autoscaling / Q-learning / Performance / Energy consumption
© The Author(s), published by EDP Sciences, 2024
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1 Introduction
Serverless computing is developing as an emerging paradigm in cloud computing designed to make it easier for cloud service providers to use the cloud by handling all the management tasks and optimizing resource utilization, resulting in cost savings and energy efficiency. The main characteristic of the serverless computing approach is dynamic scaling and thus serverless instances have faster startup times as compared to VM-based instances but still show low and unpredictable performance metrics [1]. Serverless computing services are not adaptive to the workloads and use the same management policies for all executed functions in parallel and distributed environments. Adapting the platform to varied workloads has the potential to greatly improve infrastructure cost, performance, and energy consumption [2].
By using the proposed approach, serverless providers can create auto-scalable and predictive platforms, improving the quality of service (QoS) and reducing wasted computing resources. Application developers would also benefit from such auto-scalable approaches by achieving the required quality of service that enables them to migrate more workloads into serverless computing platforms.
1.1 Motivation
The research motivation for this paper is outlined as follows:
The motivation behind this work lies in the fact that there is a need to develop an autoscaling mechanism for serverless applications that are implemented by the Q-learning technique [1, 3, 4]. This is because serverless computing offerings are not adaptive to the workload and use the same management policies for distributed computing applications [2, 5–7].
Our motivation for this research is driven by the need to optimize energy usage, particularly focusing on Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET) applications [8, 9].
Based on recent studies [10–12], a lack of evaluation of various performance metrics has been identified, indicating a need to compare the results of the proposed approach with the existing approach based on these evaluation metrics. Additionally, the absence of validation of an auto-scalable model on serverless computing platforms further emphasizes the significance of our research.
1.2 Our contribution
The main contribution of this paper is to propose an auto-scalable approach to enhance performance and optimize energy consumption in serverless computing.
The significant contribution of this paper is to propose an auto-scalable approach using Q-learning to optimize resource allocation in serverless computing environments. The approach addresses the dynamic nature of workloads by allocating instances to incoming requests and when there are no available instances in the pool, it intelligently adds new function instances to meet the requirement. It also incorporates a mechanism to scale down resources if the demand is less than the available resources, ensuring efficient resource utilization and adaptability to varying workloads.
One distinguishing aspect of this approach is to optimize electricity consumption in real-world applications, specifically focusing on smart meters for residential buildings. This approach addresses the critical need to optimize energy usage, leading to improved energy efficiency and cost savings in serverless computing environments.
To ensure the applicability, the proposed approach has been verified on AWS Lambda and assessed using various performance parameters such as probability of cold start, average response time, average number of function instances, energy consumption, and utilization. Additionally, a comparative analysis has been conducted against the base approach to provide a comprehensive outlook on the effectiveness of the approach.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Key research studies are highlighted in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the preliminaries employed in the proposed approach. Section 4 outlines the details of the proposed Q-learning approach. Section 5 demonstrates the experimental validation of the proposed approach. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper and presents future research directions.
2 Related work
Serverless computing has gained a lot of attention from researchers but no auto-scalable approach has been proposed that enhances performance and captures various aspects and challenges in serverless computing. Jawaddi et al. [13], Mahmoudi et al. [10], and Mahmoudi et al. [11] presented queuing theory in recent years to address autoscaling in serverless computing. To dynamically manage the required number of containers, Suresh et al. [14] utilized M/M/k approaching assumptions alongside the square root staffing method. Scaling decisions are determined by assessing the arrival of incoming function requests and the current container count. Shankar et al. [15] introduced an approach for scaling resources in advance by analyzing the number and size of tasks and scaling the number of workers periodically with a predefined factor to meet the task workload. Mahmoudi et al. [16] investigated Markov chain approaches for modeling queueing systems in serverless computing environments i.e. Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) and Discrete-Time Markov Chain (DTMC). Zhao et al. [17] investigated alternative approaches, such as the simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA).
Wen et al. [18] presented an in-depth investigation into the challenges faced by developers in building serverless-bassed applications. Perez et al. [19] introduced an open-source framework showing the elasticity and resource efficiency of the framework under varying workloads. Based on the results presented by Kim et al. [20], it is observed that the visibility and predictability of network and disk I/O performance must be made mandatory as in the case of CPU and memory. Enes et al. [21] introduced an innovative platform for dynamic scaling of container resources in real-time demonstrated through the evaluation of big data workloads. The platform showcases increased CPU utilization with less execution time overhead. This scalability is validated using a 32-container cluster, challenging initial perceptions of serverless suitability for Big Data applications. Jackson et al. [22] examined how the choice of language runtime affects both the performance and cost of serverless function execution. The paper introduces a novel serverless performance testing framework, evaluating metrics for AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. The findings show that Python is the optimal choice on AWS Lambda for achieving optimal performance and cost efficiency in serverless applications. Shafiei et al. [23], and Singh et al. [24] proposed energy-aware scheduling to reduce energy consumption. The main purpose of this type of scheduling is to put the execution environment or inactive containers in a cold-state mode.
Table 1 evaluated the work related to performance metrics i.e. cost, scalability, cold start, energy consumption, resource utilization, and response time in serverless computing. As per our literature review, some authors have considered specific metrics in their studies. Wen et al. [18] evaluated cost, cold start, and resource utilization. Perez et al. [19] considered scalability and resource utilization. Kim et al. [20] examined cost. However, as per our knowledge, no author has comprehensively addressed all performance metrics simultaneously. This gap in the current literature highlights the need for further research to evaluate the proposed approach across all relevant metrics.
Evaluation of performance metrics in serverless computing.
Symbols and their corresponding description.
Workload analysis for cost and energy efficiency in serverless computing environments.
Comparative analysis: proposed approach’s improvement percentage.
3 Preliminaries
To develop a comprehensive auto-scalable approach for serverless computing platforms, firstly there is a need to understand the functioning and management of function instances in which the computations occur. In serverless computing platforms, each request is managed by a function instance which acts as a tiny server.
3.1 Function instance states
Recent research [10–12] indicated that function instances undergo six distinct states: initializing, cold-start, warm-start, running, idle, and expired as shown in Figure 1.
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Fig. 1 State diagram of function instance. |
When a new request arrives for the first time, firstly it goes to the initializing state. The initializing state signifies the phase during which the infrastructure initializes new instances, including the setup of virtual machines or containers to accommodate increased workload. Instances remain initializing until they become capable of handling incoming requests. The serverless provider does not charge during the initializing state.
Based on recent research studies [38, 39, 47, 48], a request that requires initialization steps because of inadequate provisioned capacity is referred to as a cold start. This process includes deploying a new function, initiating a new virtual machine, or a new function instance on an existing virtual machine, which affects the response time that is experienced by the users. Extensive research has been conducted to mitigate cold start in serverless computing [38, 49]. In the warm start, when a new request comes and the platform has an idle instance instead of spinning up a new function instance it will reuse the existing one [10].
Upon receiving a request, an instance transitions into the running state, which processes the request until a response is dispatched to the client. The duration an instance spends in the running state is subject to billing by the serverless provider. After the completion of the request, an instance enters into the idle state. During this period, the serverless platform maintains instances in a warm state for a certain duration to address potential future spikes in workload and developers are not billed for idle instances. If the warm instance in the idle state is not used for some time (expiration threshold), it is automatically shut down and goes to the expired state.
After exploring function instance states, it becomes necessary to explore autoscaling patterns as they offer strategies for dynamically adjusting resources based on the lifecycle of function instances.
3.2 Autoscaling patterns
Three autoscaling patterns are generally seen in the most widely used serverless computing platforms: scale-per-request scaling, concurrency value scaling, and metrics-based scaling.
In scale-per-request autoscaling, no queuing is involved and it follows synchronous scaling as the new request will be served by one of the idle and available instances which is called a warm start. Otherwise, the platform will instantiate a new instance for that specific request, a process referred to as a cold start. AWS Lambda, Apache OpenWhisk, Google Cloud Functions, IBM Cloud Functions, and Azure Function use this pattern [10–12, 50, 51]. Concurrency value autoscaling pattern has a shared queue and follows asynchronous scaling in which each function instance can receive multiple requests at the same time. In this scenario, the user defines a maximum limit for the number of requests allowed to enter the instance concurrently. Once this threshold is reached, any new incoming request triggers a cold start, leading to the instantiation of a new function instance. Google Cloud Run, Knative uses this pattern [4, 52]. In metrics-based autoscaling, the system tries to keep metrics such as memory, CPU usage, latency, or throughput within a predefined range. OpenFaaS, AWS Fargate, Kubeless, Azure Container Instances, and Fission use this pattern [16].
3.3 Maximum concurrency level
After exploring autoscaling patterns, it is essential to consider the concept of maximum concurrency level, which defines the maximum number of function instances that can be concurrently running. Upon reaching the maximum concurrency level [11], a new request will result in an error status indicating that the server cannot fulfill the request at that moment. This concept underscores the significance of the efficient request routing mechanism that is explained in the next subsection.
3.4 Request routing
Requests are first sent to recently formed instances to facilitate scaling in. If recently created instances are busy only then the request will use the older containers [7].
4 The proposed auto-scalable approach
An auto-scalable approach utilizing Q-learning has been introduced in this research, aimed at dynamically adjusting resource allocation in response to real-time demand. This adaptive approach significantly enhances performance and optimizes energy consumption in serverless computing environments. Q-learning, a widely recognized reinforcement learning algorithm in machine learning and artificial intelligence [1], has been employed to empower agents to make decisions within an environment, aiming to maximize cumulative rewards over time [3]. This learning algorithm is particularly effective in situations where the agent doesn’t have prior knowledge of the environment and must learn from trial and error [4].
The proposed approach has been demonstrated in Section 4.1. The proposed algorithm is explained in Section 4.2, followed by the detailed calculation of different parameters within the proposed approach in Section 4.3.
4.1 Proposed approach
In the proposed approach illustrated in Figure 2, the scalper-request auto-scaling strategy has been adopted to efficiently manage the allocation of instances based on incoming requests. This dynamic approach ensures that the system scales up or down in response to demand fluctuations, optimizing resource utilization.
![]() |
Fig. 2 An overview of the proposed auto-scalable approach using Q-Learning. |
The approach verifies the availability of instances when a request arrives and searches for an available instance. If instances are available, they have been allocated to fulfill the request. However, if a new request arrives and there are no available instances, this triggers a cold start scenario. To address this, a new function instance has been introduced to the warm pool, effectively scaling up the instances to meet the increased demand. On the other hand, if there has been no request for a specific duration, the approach implements a scale-in mechanism. Instances that have been idle for a predetermined amount of time have been considered expired and terminated, leading to a reduction in the number of active instances. The allocation of instances to requests has been governed by a minimum cost and average response time. This ensures a balanced approach that considers both cost efficiency and timely responsiveness. Recognizing the potential limitation of minimum cost allocation in achieving actual cost savings, the proposed approach has incorporated a Q-learning algorithm. Initially, the Q-learning algorithm will start with identifying the current state (S) of the serverless application including factors like response time, resource utilization, and request rate. Further, the Q-table has been designed to store Q-values for state-action pairs and specify the Q-learning parameters like the learning rate (α), and discount factor (γ). Then, the exploration strategies have been implemented to balance exploration (try a random action) and exploitation (choose the action with the highest Q-value). Next, an action (A) will be chosen based on scaling decisions i.e. adding or removing function instances in serverless, and measures reward (R) that could be based on maintaining performance and cost savings. During each episode, the agent selects an action, receives a reward, and updates the Q-value using the Bellman equation as given in equation (1):(1)where Q(s, a) is the Q-value for the (state,action) pair, α is the learning rate, R(s,a) is the reward for the current allocation, γ is the discount factor, and
is the maximum Q-value for the next state.
By guiding the allocation based on q-values associated with maximum reward values, the approach aims to enhance its overall performance, achieving cost savings and improved efficiency in resource allocation.
4.2 Proposed algorithm
In this section, the algorithm has been proposed to address resource scheduling and evaluate performance parameters.
Algorithm 1 initializes the data structures necessary for the subsequent algorithms. It sets up the Q matrix to store (σ, ν) pairs and creates lists of σ and ν with their respective attributes. It adjusts the demands δc, δr, and δb based on a given parameter θ and takes a list of σ with attributes as input and outputs the adjusted demands for each δi in each σi.
1: Initialize Q for (σ,ν) pairs.
2: Create lists of σ and ν with attributes.
3: for each σi in σdo
4: for each δi in σido
5: Adjust δc, δr, δb demands based on θ.
6: end for
7: end for
Algorithm 2 assigns resources to tasks
based on performance parameters. It iterates over each
in the list of
with attributes, creates a new task
, and then either explore or exploits the available resources
for that task. Finally, it assigns the chosen resources to the task if they meet certain conditions and calculates
for the task.
1: Input: List of σ with attributes.
2: Output: Assigned νc to δn, collected data based on performance parameters.
3: for each in
4: Create for
5: if ϵ then ▷ Exploration
6: for
7: if then
8: .
9: end if
10: else ▷ Exploitation
11: for
12: if then
13: .
14: end if
15: end if
16: if and
17: Assign to
18: Calculate for
19: Call equation (1).
20: end if
21: end for
Algorithm 3 collects data based on performance parameters. It takes performance parameters as input and collects data based on them. It iterates over each in a set
, initializes
, executes the Load Adjustment and Job Allocation algorithms, and collects results for each iteration in total iterations.
1: Input: Performance parameters.
2: Output: Collected data based on performance parameters.
3: for each in
4: Initialize and
5: Execute Algorithm 1.
6: for each iteration in totalIterations do
7: Execute Algorithm 2.
8: Perform Result Collection.
9: end for
10: end for
The output of the above algorithm is the data collected based on performance parameters that are further evaluated in the next section.
4.3 Evaluation metrics
In the following subsections, the calculation of different metrics in the proposed approach has been presented and the symbols used in the proposed approach are defined in Table 2.
4.3.1 Probability of cold start (
In equation (2) probability of a cold start can be calculated by dividing the number of requests causing a cold start by the total number of requests made during the experiment.(2)
4.3.2 Average response time (
Equation (3) calculates this metric by finding the average response time for completed jobs (n) across multiple users. This parameter takes a list of users as input and each user has a list of jobs. The response time is accumulated for computed jobs and the average response time is computed.(3)
4.3.3 Mean number of warm pool instances (
The average number of instances in the warm pool can be calculated as shown in equation (4) based on the number of warm instances and the total number of instances (
4.3.4 Mean number of idle instances (
This can be measured in equation (5) as the ratio of the number of instances in the cold state to the total number of instances.(5)
4.3.5 Mean number of running instances (
As shown in equation (6), the mean number of running instances can be calculated by subtracting the number of idle instances from the total number of instances.(6)
4.3.6 Utilization (
This is defined as in equation (7) the ratio of instances in running state relative to all instances.(7)
5 Experimental results
To show the effectiveness, reliability, and adaptability of the proposed approach, the results outlined in this section are applied to AWS Lambda. The approach follows scale-per-request i.e. having no queue using AWS Lambda. The serverless computing offerings are not adaptive to the workload that is being executed on them but optimizing the expiration threshold (), after which being idle causes the instance to be expired and terminated is the one way by which the serverless computing platform is adaptive to the executed workload. Figures 4–9 depict the effect of (
) on different performance parameters for different workloads as shown in Table 3. It can be seen, that the increase in
would improve the performance. However, as the average response time (
) is the main parameter of performance by using this approach we try to decrease cost and energy consumption to the maximum.
Case 1: Probability of Cold Start
Figure 3 shows the probability of a cold start over the expiration threshold (). When determining the quality of service, users mostly look at this measure. Reducing the probability of a cold star is critical for many applications as having a larger probability of a cold start could affect the experience of the user. The probability of cold start for workloads L1, L2, L3, and L4 are 3.11%, 3.00%, 2.77%, and 2.66% respectively.
Case 2: Average Response Time (
![]() |
Fig. 3 Probability of cold start against the expiration threshold. |
As can be seen in Figure 4, the proposed approach obtains an average response time of 30.25 ms for workload L1, 64.24 ms for workload L2, 37.72 ms for workload L3, and 25.42 ms for workload L4. The different workloads have different behavior when changing the expiration threshold ().
Case 3: The Mean Number of Idle Instances (
![]() |
Fig. 4 Average response time against the expiration threshold. |
Figure 5 depicts the variation in the number of idle instances with the expiration threshold. As the expiration threshold increases, a noticeable decrease in the number of idle instances is observed, suggesting a potential optimization in resource utilization. The graph further illustrates that, under varying workloads indicated by the contrasting lines, the Q-learning approach consistently performs well. These findings underscore the importance of considering expiration thresholds in optimizing system performance and resource allocation, with implications for overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The mean number of idle instances during different workloads L1, L2, L3, and L4 are 28, 27, 25, and 24 respectively.
Case 4: Job Completion Rate (
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Fig. 5 The number of idle instances against the expiration threshold. |
Figure 6 shows the correlation between the expiration threshold and the job completion rate. As the expiration threshold increases, there is an observable trend of improvement in job completion rates, suggesting a positive impact on overall system efficiency. The rate of job completion for the proposed approach is 57.78%, 55.59%, 55.27%, and 53.28% for L1, L2, L3, and L4 respectively.
Case 5: Energy Consumption(
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Fig. 6 Job completion rate against the expiration threshold. |
The proposed approach achieves reduced energy consumption because scaling down the resources effectively shuts down idle system components when they are not needed, thereby minimizing energy wastage. As shown in Figure 7, the expiration threshold increases and there is a noticeable trend of increasing energy consumption. This trend holds consistent across varying workloads, suggesting that optimizing expiration thresholds can contribute to improved sustainability in resource usage. The total energy consumption estimated by different workloads L1, L2, L3, and L4 is 0.0084 mJ, 0.0085 mJ, 0.0092 mJ and 0.0087 mJ respectively.
Case 6: Utilization (
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Fig. 7 Energy consumption against the expiration threshold. |
The utilization of the warm pool instances for various expiration threshold values is shown in Figure 8. The average ratio of the number of running instances over all instances in the warm pool is represented by utilization in this context. Reduced utilization leads to additional instances being created and maintained, which increases cost. Serverless platforms would maximize average utilization to reduce cost and the values for L1, L2, L3, and L4 are 3.33%,3.33%,2.85%, and 3.03% respectively.
Case 7: Cost (
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Fig. 8 Utilization against the expiration threshold. |
Figure 9 presents a normalized estimate cost as perceived by the user. The expiration threshold can be changed to examine variations in the behavior of the workload. For example, increasing the expiation threshold from 0 to 140 causes an increase in user cost. This trend holds consistent across varying workloads, suggesting that optimizing expiration thresholds will lead to a decrease in user cost. This shows the potential savings that can be implemented by the approach presented and evaluated in this paper.
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Fig. 9 Normalized user cost against the expiration threshold. |
5.1 Comparison of proposed approach with existing approach
The comparison of the proposed approach with the base approach [10] is done by taking various evaluation parameters such as ,
. As can be seen in Figure 10, the proposed approach results better than as compared with the base approach.
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Fig. 10 Comparative analysis of parameters between proposed and base approaches across various workloads. (a) Probability of cold start; (b) Average response time; (c) Idle instances; (d) Job completion rate; (e) Energy consumption; (f) Utilization. |
Table 4 shows the improvement of different parameters obtained using the proposed approach and base approach. It is clear from Table 4 that the proposed approach improves Pc for different workloads by 38.79%, 26.11%, 35.17%, and 53.91% respectively than the base approach. The proposed approach also outperforms the base approach by increasing by 31.73%, 26.29%, 39.23%, and 46.24% for L1, L2, L3, and L4 respectively. The proposed approach shows improvement in
by 3.20%, 3.23%, 3.81%, and 3.23% respectively for L1, L2, L3, and L4. The proposed approach improves
for workloads L1 by 51.33%, L2 by 46.97%, L3 by 40.95%, and L4 by 47.35% respectively to the base approach.
5.2 Verification and validation: smart meters for residential buildings
The proposed approach has been verified and validated to optimize energy consumption by taking smart meter data for residential buildings [8, 9]. To optimize energy consumption in the smart meters dataset for residential buildings, the dataset serves as input to the Q-learning algorithm as shown in Figure 11. Each input to a dataset represents a state, encapsulating relevant information such as energy consumption patterns, weather conditions, and appliance usage. The agent utilizes state information to make decisions for optimizing energy consumption. By measuring rewards associated with different actions taken by the agent, the agent learns to select actions that lead to the greatest rewards over time. This approach aims to minimize energy waste, reduce costs for residents, and enhance overall energy efficiency in residential buildings.
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Fig. 11 Smart meters for residential buildings using Q-learning. |
As shown in Figure 12, the results illustrate that the proposed approach, utilizing real-time smart meter data, achieves lower energy consumption compared to actual usage by dynamic resource allocation and optimization. The case study involved monitoring energy consumption at different time intervals.The actual energy consumption values were 100 kWh, 120 kWh, 90 kWh, 110 kWh, 130 kWh, and 95 kWh, respectively. After implementing our proposed approach for resource scaling in serverless computing environments, the energy consumption improved to 95 kWh, 98 kWh, 84 kWh, 102 kWh, 115 kWh, and 87 kWh, respectively. Additionally, the implementation has led to improved energy efficiency, cost savings, and an average improvement of approximately 9.54% in energy consumption, showcasing the scalability and applicability of the approach.
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Fig. 12 Actual and improved electricity consumption of residential buildings using proposed approach. |
6 Conclusion and future scope
In this paper, an auto-scalable approach has been proposed and experimentally validated for analyzing performance in terms of scalability, cost, and optimizing energy consumption, with inspiration from Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET) applications. The proposed approach outperforms the existing approach as it improves the average response time by 35.62%, the mean number of idle instances by 3.37%, and reduces the probability of cold start and energy consumption by 38.5% and 46.15% respectively.The case study on optimizing energy consumption using the proposed approach further illustrates its practical applicability and effectiveness in real-world scenarios. The proposed approach uses a scale-per-request autoscaling pattern to its importance in serverless computing platforms. The presented approach can be used to improve the quality of service by improving their management policy and making their operations predictive. The proposed approach enables developers to handle enormous changes in their workload by providing scalable computing.
The proposed approach could be enhanced using the following future work:
In the future, the developed approach can also be improved using other reinforcement learning algorithms such as Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) to handle more complex state spaces and improve scalability decisions.
To create effective auto-scaling solutions, additional factors like real-time monitoring, predictive approaching, and feedback control loops with Q-learning need to be considered in the future.
Also, the use of machine learning or deep learning algorithms in the proposed approach would be able to improve more in terms of performance and energy consumption in the future.
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All Tables
Workload analysis for cost and energy efficiency in serverless computing environments.
All Figures
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Fig. 1 State diagram of function instance. |
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Fig. 2 An overview of the proposed auto-scalable approach using Q-Learning. |
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Fig. 3 Probability of cold start against the expiration threshold. |
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Fig. 4 Average response time against the expiration threshold. |
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Fig. 5 The number of idle instances against the expiration threshold. |
In the text |
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Fig. 6 Job completion rate against the expiration threshold. |
In the text |
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Fig. 7 Energy consumption against the expiration threshold. |
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Fig. 8 Utilization against the expiration threshold. |
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Fig. 9 Normalized user cost against the expiration threshold. |
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Fig. 10 Comparative analysis of parameters between proposed and base approaches across various workloads. (a) Probability of cold start; (b) Average response time; (c) Idle instances; (d) Job completion rate; (e) Energy consumption; (f) Utilization. |
In the text |
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Fig. 11 Smart meters for residential buildings using Q-learning. |
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Fig. 12 Actual and improved electricity consumption of residential buildings using proposed approach. |
In the text |
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