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Cited article:

Measurement and prediction of CO2 solubility in organic electrolytes for high pressure CO2 reduction

Marvin Dorn, Lukas Franke, Paul Figiel, Sabine Kareth, Eckhard Weidner, Christoph Held and Marcus Petermann
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 210 106268 (2024)

Carnot: a thermodynamic library for energy industries

Jean-Charles de Hemptinne, Nicolas Ferrando, Martha Hajiw-Riberaud, Véronique Lachet, Saheb Maghsoodloo, Pascal Mougin, Tri Dat Ngo, Laurent Pigeon, Jose Romero Yanes and Aurélie Wender
Science and Technology for Energy Transition 78 30 (2023)