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Fig. 8


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Enhancement magnetic anomalies maps of the study area. (a) ASA (Analytic Signal Amplitude); (b) VIAS (Vertical Integral of the Analytic Signal); (c) VDR1-THDR-TDR (First Vertical Derivative of the Total horizontal Derivate of the Tilt Angle), and (d) THGED (Tilt Angle of the Horizontal Gradient Enhanced). Black dots correspond to H2 bearing wells and black triangles to proven H2 leakage. QF= Quadrilátero Ferrífero; MC: Mata da Corda Formation; Alto do Paranaíba Mafic Alkaline Igneous Province (APIP): SN/AS= Serra Negra/Salitre, Ax= Araxá and TP= Tapira. The data used and enhancement methods applied are better described in item 2 of the Appendix.

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