Table 4

Main characteristics of the modeled copper–water LHP.

Total length, L 174 mm
Width, Wev 42 mm
Thickness, tev 7 mm
Case thickness, twev 0.5 mm
Active zone length, La 32 mm
Compensation chamber
Length, Lcc 40 mm
Vapor-removal grooves
Number, Ng 12
Length, Lg 164 mm
Width, Wg 1.8 mm
Depth, Dg 1.8 mm
Wick length, Lw 164 mm
Porosity, φw 0.46
Pore radius, Rp 27 µm
Heating area
Length, La 160 mm
Width, Wa 30 mm
Thickness, ta 1 mm
Vapor line
Length, Lv 305 mm
Inner diameter, Dvi 4 mm
Outer diameter, Dvo 5 mm
Liquid line
Length, Ll 810 mm
Inner diameter, Dli 3 mm
Outer diameter, Dlo 4 mm
Length, Lc 160 mm
Inner diameter, Dci 4 mm
Outer diameter, Dco 5 mm
Cooling jacket
Inner diameter, Disink 8 mm
Outer diameter, Dosink 11 mm
Rate of cooling water, L/min 4 ± 0.5

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