Calls for papers - Appels à contributions

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on "Innovative Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Renewable Energy and Low-Carbon Development"

The escalating global climate crisis and depleting fossil fuel reserves necessitate a swift transition to sustainable and low-carbon energy systems. Hydrogen energy, as a clean energy carrier, and innovative energy materials are pivotal in achieving this transformation. This special issue invites cutting-edge research exploring innovative strategies and technologies across the spectrum of sustainable energy, including renewable energy, hydrogen energy, and energy materials. By fostering a deeper understanding of these domains, we aim to accelerate the development of sustainable energy solutions that address climate change, enhance energy security, stimulate economic growth, and protect our environment. We encourage submissions that delve into the design, development, and implementation of novel approaches to energy generation, storage, conversion, and utilization.

More information are available here. Submit your paper here.

Guest Editors

Prof. Mohan Lal Kolhe
Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Agder, Norway

Assoc. Prof. Yang Miao
College of Mechanical Engineering and Energy, Beijing University of Technology, China

Open for submission: August 2024
Deadline for full submission: March 2025
Final decisions: June 2025

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on "Emerging Advances in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems and Integration"

Recently, the whole world is concerned about meeting the future energy demands due to the limited amount of resources available and also since those resources cannot be replenished. In spite of the existence of renewable energy ideas over a long period of time, its importance and need has been felt with utmost attention over the past few decades only. Advancements in energy systems has led to the development of off-grid and hybrid renewable energy systems. One common form of hybrid energy source is the integration of wind energy source with Photo Voltaic (PV) cells in both on-grid and off-grids. But these hybrid energy systems pose various challenges in the setup, generation, and integration part. In spite of the abundance and renewable nature of wind energy, it is unpredictable and highly variable depending on the location. These challenges are often offset by the provision of backup generators and batteries. Hybrid energy systems are an excellent solution to solving intermittent supply and reliability issues by combining two parallel power architectures.
More information are available here Submit your paper here.

Guest Editors

Dr. Muhammad Zakarya
Sohar University, Oman
Dr. Santosh Tirunagari
Middlesex University, UK
Prof. Jinguang Han
Southeast University, China
Dr. Peiying Zhang
China University of Petroleum (East China), China

Open for submission: January 22th, 2024
Deadline for full submission: April 20th, 2024
Extended deadline: September 1st, 2024

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on "Power Components For Electric Vehicles"

This topical issue of the journal STET gathers a selection of articles extended following their publication, in October 2022, at the International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in the Maghreb (CISTEM)
The treated topics concern, particularly, two types of power components embedded in electric vehicles.
Concerning the first theme, several aspects are treated in this issue. The design and optimization of the electromagnetic structure of the electric machine by an approach of type "topological optimization" where the authors apply this method to the rotor of a flux-commutated machine. The authors deal with the optimization of electric machines by approaching the method of topological optimization or L the optimization of their power supply of the machine is also addressed in the presence of magnetic saturations. In terms of methodology, a contribution deals with the contribution of meta-models in the optimization of the operating cycle of a machine. In the case of optimization on a road cycle, by the approach of metamodels. Other authors present methods to take into account uncertainties in the context of geometrical optimizations or high frequency behavior of electrical machines.Concerning the second theme, the authors cover the electric recharging of vehicles by modeling the behavior of Li-ion batteries or that of the charger or finally by treating the technique of contactless charging.

More information are available here. Submit your paper here.

Guest Editors

Dr. Hamid Ben Ahmed
ENS Rennes, Bruz, France

Dr. Yacine Amara
Université Le Havre Normandie, Rouen, France

Dr. Mohamed Gabsi
ENS Paris Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Open for submission: May 15th, 2023
Deadline for full submission: September 15th, 2023

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on "Decarbonizing Energy Systems: Smart Grid and Renewable Technologies"

As traditional energy sources dwindle, the world is turning towards renewable energy sources (RES) to address climate change and promote social and economic development. Decarbonizing energy systems is crucial to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Smart grid and renewable technologies are critical in the transition towards a low-carbon future by enabling the integration of RES into the grid and enhancing energy efficiency. This special issue aims to highlight the latest developments in smart grid and renewable technologies, providing a comprehensive overview of their potential and future prospects in decarbonizing energy systems. Submit your paper here.

This special issue of the journal of Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET) focuses on:

  1. Renewable energy integration into smart grids
  2. Advanced renewable energy technologies and their impact on decarbonization
  3. Energy storage solutions for renewable energy systems
  4. Smart grid modeling, control, and optimization
  5. Energy policy, regulations, and market design for decarbonization
  6. Decentralized energy systems and microgrids
  7. Electric vehicles and their role in decarbonizing energy systems

Guest Editors

Prof. Fang Rui-ming
Huaqiao University, China

Prof. Qiangqiang Liao
Shanghai University of Electric Power, China

Open for submission: July 2023
Deadline for full submission: February 2024
Final decisions: June 2024

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on "Synthesis and characterisation of porous materials for clean energy applications"

Materials with tunable porosity are essential in science and technology. Many current applications such purification or catalysis require the use of nanostructured porous materials with specific pore shape (volume, cage aperture…). Nowadays, environmental concern is a top priority for many countries and the production of clean energy will become mandatory. New challenges and new needs arise from this ecological transition and porous materials will play an important role to decarbonize our energy production.
This special issue of the journal of Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET) focuses on the synthesis and characterisation of porous materials and on their applications in the field of “clean energies” (depollution, CO2 capture, hydrogen purification/storage, energy storage/production…). Research papers, reviews and short communications are welcome until May 2023.
More information are available here Submit your paper here.

Guest Editors

Dr. Nathalie Schildknecht

Dr. David Peralta

Open for submission: July 2022
Deadline for full submission: August 2023
Final decisions: December 2023