Calls for papers - Appels à contributions

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on the "First European Conference on Gas Hydrates – ECGH 2022"

The First European Conference on Gas Hydrates – ECGH 2022 is proud to announce that participants from ECGH 2022 will be invited to submit their papers to acquire research visibility for a special issue organized by the international peer-reviewed open access journal Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET). ECGH 2022 encompasses wide range of topics regarding hydrates including, but not limited to the following: the optimal use of energy resources; fundamental aspects; crystallization and flow modeling; geosciences; hydrate based and energy efficient technologies; hydrates and astrophysics. Submit your paper here.

Guest Editors

Dr. Bertrand Chazallon
Université de Lille

Dr. Anh Minh Tang
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Open for submission: May 2022
Deadline for full submission: August 1st, 2023

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on "Characterization and modeling of the subsurface in the context of ecological transition"

The subsurface fulfills specific functions within the framework of the ecological transition. It is a storage space at different time horizons (CO2, H2, biogas, etc.), it is a source of geothermal energy and metals from hydrothermalism, it is also a strategic area because it contains a large part of drinking water reserves. Its sustainable exploitation requires an adaptation of methods, methodologies and skills in subsurface sciences. This STET special issue brings together a set of articles presenting research work devoted to methods and tools for characterizing and modeling the subsurface in the context of a sustainable use of this strategic area.

Guest Editors

Dr. Yannick Peysson
IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France

Dr. Jacques Pironon
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France

Call for Papers - Topical Issue on "The role of Negative Emissions Technologies in 2050 decarbonation pathways"

To reach the Paris Agreement climate objectives to stay far below a 2°C-average temperature increase at end of Century, deployment of Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) at a large scale is mandatory by 2050. This requires our societies to evaluate the benefit of natural carbon sinks, engineered carbon sequestration in soils, biomass energy in association with carbon capture and storage but also direct air carbon capture associated with underground geological storage and largely develop these solutions in the 30 coming years. In 2019, IFP School launched a research chair, the CarMa chair, supported by TotalEnergies in association with Fondation Tuck, and dedicated to carbon management and negative emissions technologies.

Guest Editors

Prof.Jean-Pierre Deflandre
CarMa Chair co-holder
IFP School, Rueil-Malmaison, France

Dr. Florence Delprat-Jannaud
former CarMa Chair co-holder
IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France

Open for submission: May 1st, 2022
Deadline for full submission: December 31st, 2023
Final decisions: March 1st, 2024