Open Access

Table 2

Existing policies of the government of Pakistan on renewable energy.

Policy Description
Renewable energy share Aim to increase the share of renewable energy in the total power generation mix to 30% by 2030.
Indigenous resources Focus on developing solar, wind, hydro, and biomass resources.
Foreign investment incentives Incentives for foreign investment in the renewable energy sector, including tax exemptions and facilitation of land acquisition.
Off-grid solutions Encouragement of off-grid renewable energy solutions to provide electricity to remote and rural areas.
Development fund Establishment of funds to provide financing for renewable energy funds and projects.
Net metering promotion Encouragement of net metering to promote the adoption of rooftop solar systems.
Renewable energy council Establishment of a council to oversee policy implementation and coordinate with stakeholders.
Public awareness Measures to increase public awareness of the benefits of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency.
Skilled workforce Focus on developing a skilled workforce through training and capacity-building programs.
Environmental sustainability Focus on ensuring environmental sustainability and minimizing the negative impact on local communities and ecosystems.

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